for whatever reason, i was obsessed with this wrestler. i wanted to be in the ring with him. i wanted to be his girlfriend, his daughter, whatever got me closest to him. let's face it, some days i simply wanted to be him. weird huh? i actually remember crying when he lost to randy savage. yes, i have an older brother. can you tell?
so then that got me thinking... what were my other youth obsessions?
well, for one, my pogo stick. i had the most awesome pogo stick. it was bright red. i named it, but it's TMI and embarrassing so i'll spare you. i loved that dang stick. bouncy betty, they called me in the neighborhood. actually, no, no one ever called me that. but i always longed for them to. but one time, i totally bit it and scuffed myself up pretty bad. all for the sake of pogo, i suppose. i am thinking of calling my local congressman and enacting a national pogo stick day. teachers could teach from a pogo stick. the president could give the state of the union address while pogo-ing. ya know, the usual.
most of you are probably thinking, "why on earth is lindsey sharing this with me. i dont care." and that's ok! i probably wouldn't care either. but i told you this blog would be about random things that happen to me and also randomness that goes around inside my head 24/7.
another one of my youthful obsessions was june bugs. because i was born in june, i considered them "my bugs." someone told me they only have a life expectance of 24 hours, but then i started to wonder how they become adults. if they only live for 24 hours then how do the baby june bugs grow up? no clue. if anyone knows, please post something so i can stop living in perpetual curiosity as to the plight of the june bug.
but to wrap it all up, guess what i was most obsessed with? AFRICA. yes, it's true. ever since i can remember, i begged my parents to let me move to africa. i promised them i could take care of myself and that God wanted me there so He would take care of me. they would say, "but lindsey, you're 3 years old." and my response: "so." obviously, i didn't get to go because i had to go to school and all of that normal kid stuff. but i still love the continent. i still think about the zambian people i got to meet when i went on a mission trip there several years ago. and the newest tidbit of info in my life: i want to move to africa (probably kenya) and start an orphanage where kids can find love and education and most importantly, God. eventually, i also want it to house widows. so who knows if it'll ever happen, but i sure want it to!
so, even though most youth obsessions have died out (i'm totally over hulk, i'm way too big for pogo sticks, and june bugs are horribly annoying) i am still completely obsessed with africa and the idea of eventually moving there and living there full-time. mainly because i'm pretty sure i was born there but someone forgot to tell me. it's in my blood and always been. now, this won't be anytime soon, i don't think. not until God calls me out of music ministry to the U.S. (which i am LOVING more than ever, btw).
I lovedddd this blog!!! Hulk- ugh- I couldn't STAND wrestling! But I did like the movie he did- Mr. Mom or Mr. Nanny or something. I never did pogo stick- and a june bug flew in my mouth once and got stuck upside down in the gum stuck on the roof of my mouth. Ugh. If that doesn't make you dry heave, what does? And finally- the Africa vision is incredible. I'll come volunteer at your orphanage/home for widows.
How cool would that be? What a cool community- You're a blessing. Come sing to us in KS
thanks for being real.
Yeah, I wikipedia'd the whole June Bug thing. NO such luck. I DID however, learn that there is a 'May Beetle." Right on.
Also, I'm going to share with you that your CD is officially in the Data Base and on sale in the Pop/Rock Section at Parable Christian Bookstore in San Luis Obispo,CA. I put a copy in the CD player and I'm making sure you get some attention :)
Sorry about the June Bug. I guess we'll have to wait for heaven for that one...
Grace and Peace!
wow, you are a girl w/ many talents. the pogo stick, huh? well guess what? I can ride a unicycle. are you thinking what i'm thinking? If there's a lull at this weekend's event, yeah....we can bring the circus to town!
love ya and see you very soon...
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