Saturday, January 30, 2010

the popster

a couple of days ago, i was washing dishes. i have an obsession with washing the dish before i simply put it in the sink. i tend to enjoy an empty sink. so i was washing and scrubbing and drying and i felt this sense like i should sing to my grandad Pop when i go visit him on saturday.

well, today is saturday. it's 10:12 am and i just poured my coffee and i just got my guitar. it's interesting because in my years of music ministry, i have done special music for numerous nursing homes, assisted livings, and amazing elderly people. but not once have i visited any of my grandparents when they're in the hospital and sang to them (sung to them? i never know the proper word usage there). it was so clear though that i was supposed to sing/sang/sung though.
Pop came to my last CD release party, which i couldn't believe. it was so unbelievable to have him there. he is 99 and has lived a full life. i love the popster - which is what i so fondly call him. while he calls me "lindy." he calls me lindy so much that i began to wonder if he really knew my name was lindsey. lo and behold, he does.

i'll blog again to write about what happens today. maybe nothing will happen. but what i do know is this: music touches a deep place in people's souls, even if that place is closed off. music is a universal language that reaches deeper than our pain, theology, beliefs, prejudices, sociological ideals, etc etc.

the word says that we are spreading everywhere the aroma of Jesus to those who are perishing and to those who are being saved. today, through my music, i hope to spread that aroma to Pop. that he would hear and sense and taste and feel hope, peace, and unconditional love.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

go fly a kite

so there i was today at the dog park with my pups and i saw a beautiful sight:

a dad was at the park with his little daughter. they were flying a disney princess-looking kite. it was relatively windy and mostly a perfect day for flying a kite.

the most beautiful part of all was this:

the little girl was holding the string and at first glance, it seemed like she was the one flying the kite and controlling its path. but as you looked a little closer, it became clear that it was actually the dad who was flying and directing the flight path of the kite. he was allowing his daughter to actively participate in the activity, but overall the dad was taking care of things. it was definitely team work, but overall, the dad was the one ultimately in control. yet the little girl was having a blast. she fully trusted her dad to fly the kite with her. and she let him. yet he let her be directly involved in the flying.

i learned so much about God today while watching that dad and his little girl.

so many times i want to rip the string out of my Dad's hand. and then, my kite crashes and burns. but it's the times when i hold onto the string loosely, ultimately knowing that it's my Dad who is flying. it's He who is in control. and He is working for my good and His glory.

so yeah, go fly a kite. but let Jesus hold the string and direct that kite. otherwise, you'll crash and burn. over and over and over again.