Thursday, March 26, 2009

in case you didn't know...

so there i was, looking at the 3000 copies of my new CD in my garage and i thought, "hmm... i should post about this so that people will give loving homes to these CDs"

thus, my post

hey guess what? the new CD is officially out and ready for your purchasing/listening pleasure. you can order it on my website - look for the "resources" tab. it's next day shipping. pretty amazing. and it's only ten buckaroos and let's face it, i need to find them homes so that the music can go throughout the world and bring glory to Jesus.

but let me warn you, this CD is unlike anything i've ever done. it's very out-of-the-box and i guarantee you'll enjoy it. if you don't, i'll give you your money back - and i mean that.

you can listen before you buy on my website: or on my myspace page:

yes yes, it'll be available on itunes, but not til a couple more weeks. plus, you don't get the cool packaging when you order on itunes. and i get hosed financially.

for your viewing pleasure, here is a video about the making of the new CD:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

a psycho dog and my flesh

when i saw this video, after i almost had to change my pants, i realized something deeper. why must i find the teachable moment and the deeper meaning in everything? i don't know. but i figured i would share it with you nice people.

did you see how the dog was relentless about keeping that leg away from his bone? he wouldn't let up. he didn't quit. he refused to even give that leg a chance at the prized bone. and i thought to myself... Paul talks about something similar to what this dog is going through in Romans 7:

15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18 I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do--this I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. 21 So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me.

follow me here... our sin nature, or our flesh as it's sometimes called, is alot like that dog's leg. it creeps up and tries to get our "bone" (steal our joy, get us off track) but we must fight that temptation. the next time i feel temptation creeping up, i'm gonna try to think about this dog and his tenacity to fight off his leg.


Monday, March 16, 2009

part 2 of the top 100 things (ridiculously long list of randomness)

many of you have been telling me "you need to update your blog loser" since it's been like 2 months and all... so here ya go! the other half of the 100 random things


51. i lead worship at two churches when i'm in town, not traveling elsewhere. i go from leading at terranova's early service in georgetown to austin baptist church's late service. it makes for quite the eventful morning.

52. every time i get on a plane i have an inner struggle inside my head. i want the exit row for the extra leg space but i don't know if i'm prepared for the responsibility of getting that huge door open. i hear it's really heavy

53. one time i got arrested in branson, MO because i sat on the street corner in downtown branson and opened my guitar case and started singing for money. i didn't know it was illegal and that i had to have a permit.

54. i won countless taco eating contests in high school

55. i have an unhealthy fear of mayonnaise. hatred really.

56. one time i got asked to sing in new england. someone asked me "where in new england are you singing?" i said i didn't know. she kept pushing. so finally i answered "i don't know where i'm singing! i was just so excited because i've never been to canada!" sad thing is, i was serious.

57. i hate geography

58. sometimes the room spins and i don't know why

59. i graduated from texas a&m university in 2004 with a degree in History and a teaching certificate and a coaching minor. before the whole music thing, i wanted to be a history teacher and a coach

60. i'm a Tridelta. wouldn't take me for a sorority girl would ya? delta love.

61. i'm frustrated that i don't understand microwaves

62. pom poms make me nervous

63. i'm the once-a-week co-host on a radio station in austin called the river 102.3

64. i'm having second thoughts as to whether or not it's too egocentric to write 100 things about myself

65. i get frustrated when guys think i like them just because i'm really nice to them. i try to be really nice to everyone.

66. i love hitting the low keys on the piano really hard

67. one time i nominated myself to be on the bachelor. thank God they didn't choose me.

68. i had a speech impediment when i was little. i couldn't say my R's. so my brother would tease me and always ask me to say words with R in them. like roy. couldn't say roy until a couple years ago.

69. i stole from sandra bullock. but if you read my blog you already know that story.

70. someday my dream is to move to kenya and open an orphanage

71. i could eat queso on anything. and its depressing when i travel outside of texas and other states call it "cheese dip" and its sick out.

72. i always sneeze in pairs

73. i tried to get lasik surgery once and i got all the way through to where i was lying on the table to begin surgery and the doctor came in at the last minute and said i couldn't get it done because he said i might have thinning corneas and i could go blind if i got the procedure. i'm still bitter.

74. i'm so stinkin excited about my new EP that officially came out TODAY but i don't like the term EP because alot of people don't know what it means. so basically EP stands for "i didn't have enough money to make a full record so this is a record with 8 songs so we'll call it an EP"

75. i don't like drama

76. i'm literally running out of things to say, and i'm beginning to think this was a bit egocentric of me to think i could actually think of 100 things... so i'm going to stop at 76... seems like a good number

if you're still reading, you should go to my website and order the brand new CD!

plus, i'm trying to raise money to go to uganda and kenya, africa this summer, so go ahead and get you some kanedles while you're at it