so there i was this morning driving to the river 102.3 radio station to have a meeting with gary, the cool morning dude to talk about filling in some as a co-host. before i went to the station, i stopped by the post office to mail something.
when i came out of the post office, there was a sweet young gal leaning up against the wall. she asked me very kindly if i had a dollar i could give her. one of my problems is that i never carry cash. only credit and checks. so i stopped and explained to her of my financial mismanagement and unpreparedness. she understood, but i knew in that moment that God's heart was totally for her so i couldn't just walk away. i decided, well, i dont have a dollar, but i have ears and maybe she needs someone to talk to. (disclaimer: dont think i'm super mother theresa/spiritual person because normally i'm very selfish and oblivious to the needs of others... i dont want this blog to be a "hey look at me" piece, if you catch my drift)
so i stop and talk to her. i asked her where she lived and her response confirmed her homelessness. as you read this, remember: Jesus was homeless. for we know He had nowhere to lay His head. and, though He was the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, He was born in a feeding trough. manger is too sweet. it was a feeding trough.
i asked her if she was hungry, and she said yes. she was very sweet and very shy. you could tell she was uncomfortable with having to beg. turns out she doesn't work anywhere but is looking for a job and just finished high school. after talking a bit more with her, i told her to wait there and i'd be back with some food.
so i go to the river for my appointment and after i talk with gary, he takes me to the break room where Rudy's bbq joint has left tons of bags of breakfast tacos. he offered me some food and i wasn't hungry but i was thinking of post office gal. so i told him about her and he told me to take a whole bag which was filled with yummy treats.
with my bag-o-food in tow, i headed back to the mecca of mail. but she wasn't there. i parked and looked and searched, but she wasn't there. at first i was so sad, because i really felt the Lord wanted to feed her with these tacos. and i was really looking forward to getting to know her better. but she was gone. i was so sad because i was too late.
oh, but God's timing is perfect dont you know?
so as i'm sulking and feeling sorry for myself and the girl, i look over to my right and there is a group of about 10 homeless people all sitting in a group beside the road and next to the post office.
i was speechless, to say the least. and as i saw them, our eyes locked and all i could think of was when Jesus said, "What you've done unto the least of these, you've done unto Me. When I was hungry, you gave Me something to eat..." so i walk over to them. they looked a little suspicious, because they probably thought i was going to through a bunch of tracks at them. lots of homeless people are used to being preached at but not provided for. they're used to being handed tracks, but not food and love. maybe some change here and there, but not the knowledge of how Love can change.
i asked them if they were hungry and suddenly 10 people became 15 people. they seemed to multiply and i thought, "crud, i dont have enough tacos for all these people." each person i met said they wanted a taco. well, except for one man. he declined my offer because he said we was on the food stamp program and wanted me to save that taco for someone who was really in need. that took me by surprise. how beautiful. he is on food stamps and wanted to save the food for someone who is really hungry.
i met each person, shook their beat-up wrinkled hands, and handed them a taco. when i got to the last few people i was certain i was running out. but lo and behold, God pulled a fast one on me. He did it old school, like back in the old days of the new testament when Jesus fed the 5000 with a kid's sack lunch.
i promise you, these burritos kept multiplying. it was amazing. i had enough for everyone and even extras for their friends. people kept coming and burritos kept appearing.
they're response was beautiful. they were so grateful. i must admit, i used to look at homeless people and think, "go get a job. why are you begging when you could go work and get some money?" i had very little compassion. i figured they needed to help themselves. but when i think about Jesus, He never gave or loved based on other people's actions or abilities. He simply gave, shared, cared, and loved. He love wasn't dependent on what the person did. i doubt Jesus walked through the towns and only loved people He thought were worthy of love. He didn't give to people who deserved it. think of the cross. we didn't deserve any of that grace and mercy. but He gave it anyway.
so my challenge to you and myself is this: love without an agenda. try not to think of whether or not the homeless person deserves your love and care. sure maybe they aren't legit. maybe they are begging and maybe they can get a job. but they're still in need and they are considered the "least of these." so let's love them. be aware, care, and share whatever you have been given to share. in my case it was breakfast, but in your case it might be a smile, handshake, or "how are you?" just something to make them feel human and worthy of love.
so like i said, they're responses were amazing. one guy offered me a pair of silver hoop earrings to express his gratitude. another older man said we'd make a cute couple and he asked me out on a date. i told him thanks and that he was the first date proposal i'd had since walking on the pyramids in egypt. (i live a very strange, unique life) and then another guy was totally a Christ-filled man. he started preaching, telling me about the power of God through Jesus Christ. he was quoting scripture left and right, giving God glory for how He's provided.
before i left i asked them of their needs. water, food, anything? they simply said, well, we dont eat much so just come by ever so often and say hello and maybe give us a snack.
we all want to be loved. so... LOVE.
it wins.