Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mama T, your friend and mine

so there i was looking through some old documents on my computer, and i found an article i wrote several months ago for Radiant magazine about mother theresa, one of my heroes. and i decided to share it with the blog world!

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."
-Mother Theresa

The name of Mother Theresa has always been familiar to me. I knew she was a do-gooder and a giving follower of God, but knew nothing beyond that. I began wondering, "Who is this woman, what did she do, and why did she do it? Upon digging deeper into her history, life, and ministry, I found myself inspired, forever changed, and challenged by Mother Theresa.

A native of Macedonia, Mother Theresa grew up under the anointing of God. From the age of 12, she felt the call of God on her life, believing the best way to spread the love of Christ was to give her life to full-time mission work. At the age of 17 she responded to God's call on her life and thus began the journey that would forever change the course of her life and the world. Initially, Mother Theresa joined a convent of nuns where she was a teacher, however, the poverty stricken slums of Calcutta were calling her name. So, in faith, she devoted her life to helping the poor and needy by starting a school whose students would be the children of the slums she served among. This extraordinary woman lived amongst the "poorest of the poor." She knew she must be about her Father's business and He specialized in loving and serving the poor and needy. She shared her Father's heart for the impoverished and gave her life to this mission.

And so, with children hanging from every limb and sweat pouring from every pore, Mother Theresa worked tirelessly serving the desperate and desolate of Calcutta.

Ask Jesus what He would be doing on earth today. His answer will most likely include loving and providing for the poor and afflicted. After all, it was Jesus Himself who said that it wasn't the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. With every ounce of energy, Mother Theresa had a clear resolve and she would stop at nothing to make sure she was fulfilling the greatest commandments to love God and love people.

Studying her life transformed me. Jesus Christ was so evident in her life that in learning about her I happily experienced Him. Her heart was completely in line with that of the heart of the One we read about in the Gospels. It was Jesus who went out into the streets and healed, encouraged, and loved on people who had nothing. It was Jesus who showed the love of His Father by feeding 5000+ with a child's lunch. And it was Jesus who gave His life so that we might be saved. God has used and continues to use Mother Theresa's life to bring Him glory. Her life's song is still heard round the world today.

I would be remiss to leave out this life-changing quote from my newfound hero, Mother Theresa, "In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love." Wow. Talk about a brain-teaser. This is completely contrary to what the world is telling us to do and convincing us to be. In today's culture we are told that life is all about us and that we should strive to be great no matter what the cost. Truth is, we were never meant to be great. We were created to make God great, to glorify Him with our lives and enjoy Him forever. If we, as Christians, could grab a hold of this idea and sink our teeth into it, our lives and the lives of those around us would be forever changed. Mother Theresa's life is a direct reflection of God's heart for humanity, which is beating and gushing with love. I am so thankful for her example that alters my life and ministry. Now my focus is on loving greatly though the smallest of things.

Residing here in the comfortable USA makes it easy to turn a deaf ear and blind eye to suffering. God has not called all of us to the slums of India, but we are all called to work and love like Jesus. The human heart can be the dirtiest slum of all. Mother Theresa's life brings a challenge to go into the nearest slum. We can bring love to the impoverished of heart and soul amongst this lavish waste-land where money is primarily plentiful and material need is a stranger. We too can leave people changed and happier by spreading love and by following the example of this woman who walked and loved like Jesus. She has made His way clearer. Look closely. Those dear, worn feet of peace can still be traced clearly in His steps.

written by: Lindsey Kane
edited by: Jennie Riddle
copyright 2007

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

the door stopper thingee video starring the gabster

so there i was sitting on a flight looking through all of my videos that i've saved on my computer. and i found this nugget of a short film starring gabby and her obsessions with the little door stopper thingees on my walls. she's destroyed most all of them, but here is one that she was especially intent on attacking.

as i watched this clip, i thought to myself, "wow, that is one persistent pup." in that moment, she challenged my view of perseverance. gabby is showing perseverance in this clip like i've never seen. i think i can learn something from her. don't give up. keep at it, even if you end up looking weird in the process. if you believe it's what God wants you to do, go for it! of course, that is the spiritual application. i dont think my dog felt called by God to attack the metal stopper. but it's a funny video none-the-less. enjoy. and as you watch, remember these words:

Galatians 6:9, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

2 Chronicles 15:7, "But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded."

Hebrews 10:36, "Persevere, so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised."

James 1:2-4, "
Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

Monday, April 21, 2008

the day i accidentally stole from sandra bullock

so there i was listening to the news yesterday when i heard about sandy's car wreck. thankfully, she's ok. in light of the recent news, i realized i should share with you, my faithful blogees, about the time i accidentally stole from sandra bullock.

i went through a phase where i was bored during the week days because i was only traveling with music on the weekends and some nights during the weeks. so my days were sometimes boring. i decided to apply at starbucks because i figured every singer/songwriter should probably work there at least once in their lives. so i applied and got the job. i loved it and miss it.

one day when i was working at the register, i noticed someone that looked fam
iliar out of the corner of my eye. as she got closer in line i realized who it was. it was one of my fave actresses in all of hollywood, the one and only sandra bullock. usually i don't get star struck, but i'm embarrassed to say that i did that day. but in my defense, i totally kept my cool. well, kind of.

i took care of all the customers in front of her in line and then she stepped up to the register. i kept coaching myself, "lindsey, keep your cool. she's just a person. be smooth." so of course, i say the usual line, "hi. welcome to starbucks! what can i get you today?"

she answered politely and almost shyly from behind her really cute designer sunglasses, "yes, i'll have a grande lowfat latte." first of all, i was pumped that she didn't get non fat like all the other hollywood gals who carry small hypoallergenic dogs in their purses. this was my kinda girl. so in response i say smoothly, "what name can i put on the cup?" i thought that was appropriate so that she would feel normal. i didn't necessarily want her to think i knew who she was, so i wanted to ask her her name and not just assume and write "sandra" on the cup.

good thing i didn't just write her name on the cup, because she answered my question with a playful smirk "sandy." so there i was serving sandy. i'm thinking of making a made-for-tv-movie short film about what happened next. maybe it would air on lifetime right before that movie about the cheerleader who had issues with her mom so she started doing drugs and ended up in jail but was soon rescued by her 6th volleyball coach who then won the olympics. 

her drink cost around $4. sandy gave me a $20. at starbucks, we have to put $20 bills or higher in this little safe that is locked to the left of the register. so i took her $20, put it in the safe, and said, "thanks sandy, have a great day!" she seemed puzzled, at best. confused, to say the least. and she politely said (whie feeling sorry for me, i'm sure), "ma'am, i think you owe me some change."

sidenote: at this point, the line is backing up to the door. everyone has now realized who is in line. people are whispering and looking at sandra, though she is desperately trying to hide behind her sun glasses so as not to cause a scene. but there i was, causing the scene. also, at this point i should tell you that above the register, i looked totally cool. i was cool, calm, and collected. i was keeping my cool, despite the fact that below the register my knees were shaking. again, i would have never suspected that i would get star struck. but there i was, star struck. it was just so weird seeing her close up. not to mention, surprised that she was 5 foot nothin. she always looked taller in films. i reminded myself of a duck. they look so cool on the surface of a placid body of water, but underneath their little legs/webbed feet thingees are going a mile a minute. that's how it was for me: above the register, i was good to go. below, i was embarrassingly pathetic and shaking.

back to the part where i steal from her: so there i was panicking a little bit, realizing i had just put her $20 in the safe and only my manager could get it out. and i couldn't give her the change she needed because i couldn't open the cash register. it was a quandary to say the very least. so i tell sandy to hold on while i run to the back and yell to my manager, "sandra bullock needs change! sandy needs change!"

he runs to my aid, smiles sheepishly at sandy (her drink, at this point, had been ready for 5 minutes and cooling) and says, "i'm sorry sandra. lindsey is new here." he proceeded to get her $20 out and give it to her along with a service recovery coupon. that's what we give people when we do stupid things. i was needless to say embarrassed. my shot at being friends with sandy was over. there was no salvaging the what would've been a marvelous friendship. she took the $20, slipped into the corner of the store and looked down, hiding ever so smoothly. she got her drink, sipped it, and walked out. 

the store was buzzing. i was spinning and wanted to faint out of sheer disappointment in my "dealing with famous people" skills. i was a nervous wreck and i had stolen from sandra bullock. i bet the lady who hit her with her car feels a lot worse. but this, indeed, was not good. my manager wasn't pleased either, though he found humor in the ordeal.

i couldn't help but think, "sandy, you have all the money in the world. save me the embarrassment and let me keep your $20 hostage, and let's just pretend the whole thing didn't happen. chalk it up to new-employee-of-the-month." 

finally my heart stopped racing, i apologized to everyone at the store (though they were amused and frankly welcomed the debacle) and i continued working. but i'll never forget that moment. it was quite entertaining for me to be involved in, i must say.

ya know what though? after all this, i went home and God hit me with a gentle spiritual two-by-four and showed me something from the whole situation. something that impacted my life greatly and here it is:

there i was, shaking and trembling in the face of sandra bullock who just so happens to be famous because she is a good actress. but she is just a human being. she's no different than joe shmoe off the streets. sure she's beautiful and famous and rich, but she's just a person. just like you and me. yet, i trembled in her presence. my knees were shaking and i was sort-of in awe of this superstar. 

then i went to church that night and i found myself in the presence of God. guess what? i wasn't trembling. i wasn't shaking. my knees weren't knocking. frankly, that night i was bored. i sang the songs and listened to the preaching, but it barely affected me. i was in the presence of a holy righteous and perfect God, yet didn't blink an eye. He is the God of all creation and the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and i was in His presence but it had little effect on me that day. the same day that i was in the presence of a mere human and i trembled. where did i go wrong? i think i did a little of what Paul talks about in romans 1 about focusing on the created thing rather than the Creator. ouch. in that moment, God was challenging me to ask for a new revelation of His holiness. and in response i prayed a lyric from a nichole nordeman song: "o let me not forget to tremble." i would encourage you to go and read all of the lyrics from that song. just google "nichole nordeman tremble" and you'll see it. i would copy and paste it here but for some reason i am blog-challenged and haven't figured out how. 

sandy, i'm sorry for stealing from you. people in line at starbucks that day, i'm sorry for making you wait. latte, i'm sorry you got cold. roger my manager, sorry you had to come bail me out. and God, i'm most sorry for forgetting to tremble in the presence of Your holiness. make me like isaiah when He caught a glimpse of Your glory. 

Friday, April 18, 2008

welcome to america

so there i was sitting in the airport today on my way to go sing in virginia. and i saw a fairly awkward and funny exchange between two strangers and i wanted to share it with you, my faithful blog readers. hopefully there's more of you out there than just my parents. 

while i was seated and sipping on a latte, i was people watching. what else does one do in an airport but people watch? it's one of my favorite past times. especially when people trip and try to play it off. i love the "play it off" techniques. my favorite being the look-back-and-act-like-you-tripped-on-something move. classic. 
anyway, so there i was people watching as usual and i became fixated on a man who was apparently meeting a woman for the first time at the gate before boarding. he was talking very loudly and slow. i was instantly confused so i had to keep listening to their exchange. so he keeps talking loud and slow in very concise clear-cut english. she appeared to be of Latino descent. so this really old white guy is talking very slow to this young woman. 

his first words to her were "welcome     to     america" in a slow southern twange. he seemednice enough so i kept listening, wondering what the woman's answer would be. was she here from another country? why was he talking to her like this? who are these people? it sparked my curiosity. 

she replied, "i live in dallas, but thanks anyway."

ouch. i saw the poor guy stick his foot in his mouth and then some. she was (as she should be) annoyed at his comment. then i realized, whoa, this guy didn't know this woman at all. he welcomed a complete stranger to america and the woman had lived in dallas her whole life. 
classic awkward moments between strangers that i love to be a part of, even if it is from the sidelines. i felt bad for him and her all at the same time. but i also wanted to tell the guy, "bro... just cuz she doesn't look like you, doesn't mean she's from a foreign country."

my political take-away here: love everybody. be welcoming to everybody and try not to judge based on appearances. and please, for God's sake, don't meet somewhere who looks different than you in the airport and say "welcome to america." i appreciated the guy's heart and intention, but his follow-thru was definitely lacking. 

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Youth obsessions

So there i was milling about my room this afternoon and i started thinking about hulk hogan, which may seem strange to most of you, but it's not strange to me. 

for whatever reason, i was obsessed with this wrestler. i wanted to be in the ring with him. i wanted to be his girlfriend, his daughter, whatever got me closest to him. let's face it, some days i simply wanted to be him. weird huh? i actually remember crying when he lost to randy savage. yes, i have an older brother. can you tell?

so then that got me thinking... what were my other youth obsessions?

well, for one, my pogo stick. i had the most awesome pogo stick. it was bright red. i named it, but it's TMI and embarrassing so i'll spare you. i loved that dang stick. bouncy betty, they called me in the neighborhood. actually, no, no one ever called me that. but i always longed for them to. but one time, i totally bit it and scuffed myself up pretty bad. all for the sake of pogo, i suppose. i am thinking of calling my local congressman and enacting a national pogo stick day. teachers could teach from a pogo stick. the president could give the state of the union address while pogo-ing. ya know, the usual.

most of you are probably thinking, "why on earth is lindsey sharing this with me. i dont care." and that's ok! i probably wouldn't care either. but i told you this blog would be about random things that happen to me and also randomness that goes around inside my head 24/7. 

another one of my youthful obsessions was june bugs. because i was born in june, i considered them "my bugs." someone told me they only have a life expectance of 24 hours, but then i started to wonder how they become adults. if they only live for 24 hours then how do the baby june bugs grow up? no clue. if anyone knows, please post something so i can stop living in perpetual curiosity as to the plight of the june bug.

but to wrap it all up, guess what i was most obsessed with? AFRICA. yes, it's true. ever since i can remember, i begged my parents to let me move to africa. i promised them i could take care of myself and that God wanted me there so He would take care of me. they would say, "but lindsey, you're 3 years old." and my response: "so." obviously, i didn't get to go because i had to go to school and all of that normal kid stuff. but i still love the continent. i still think about the zambian people i got to meet when i went on a mission trip there several years ago. and the newest tidbit of info in my life: i want to move to africa (probably kenya) and start an orphanage where kids can find love and education and most importantly, God. eventually, i also want it to house widows. so who knows if it'll ever happen, but i sure want it to! 

so, even though most youth obsessions have died out (i'm totally over hulk, i'm way too big for pogo sticks, and june bugs are horribly annoying) i am still completely obsessed with africa and the idea of eventually moving there and living there full-time. mainly because i'm pretty sure i was born there but someone forgot to tell me. it's in my blood and always been. now, this won't be anytime soon, i don't think. not until God calls me out of music ministry to the U.S. (which i am LOVING more than ever, btw).

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The most interesting thing I've ever signed...

so there i was at the clyde football field in clyde, tx.... or as clyde-ites refer to it: clyde, america. i love this little town and i so loved singing for a city-wide benefit concert, raising money for an awesome ministry. more on that later. but the real reason i had to blog today is to share with you a definite "first" in my travels.

after the concert i was hanging out by the merchandise table, which i love to do because i get to meet some of the most amazing people, and a gentleman walked up to me. i already had a good feeling about this guy because he bought me a frito pie and red gatorade (which was awesome, and what better is there to ingest in clyde america really?)

so anyway, he started telling me how he wanted to hold his leg up in the air during my rap. i was, of course, confused, but i kept listening out of sheer curiosity. and then he proceeded with this question: "will you sign my leg?" and i thought, sure! i had been asked to sign weirder things, so i really thought nothing of it.

until, of course, he snapped his leg off. literally. 

at first, i was startled and then i realized, OH... lindsey, chill, it's a fake leg! then ensued one of the funniest moments on the road thus far: he snapped off his leg, took it out from below his jeans, and held it up to me. initially i was unsure which part to sign, but luckily he pointed me in the right direction. i took out my red sharpee and put my john hancock on his prosthetic leg. 

needless to say, it was awesome. i never got to hear the story behind his leg but hopefully someday i'll get to hear it because he seemed like an awesome dude! 

thank you clyde america for your frito pies, your red gatorades, and your citizens with real and prosthletic legs. 

Thursday, April 3, 2008

gabby and her problems

so there i was, last night, sound checking at a church i would be giving a concert at that night. about 5 minutes before the students arrived, i looked over at gabby who was running around the church. keep in mind, she's 6 months old and completely potty trained. for whatever reason gabby looked up at me, stopped in her tracks, and started peeing on the carpet, just to the right of the stage. 


so i'm trying to take my guitar off while gently screaming "No GABBY!" but the second i got to her, she had already unloaded. bladder was officially empty. and the carpet was wet. and i was embarrassed. so yes, my dog peed in church. 

too bad that's not the first time something like this has happened. two months ago, i was playing for a disciple now in waco and i let gabby into the church during sound check. again, knowing that she's potty trained. but then jenny starts banging on the drum set and gabby apparently got scared at all the ruckus and guess what? gabby went to the back row, somehow got under a chair and pooped. 

i would've rather the pee. but no, in waco she decided she needed to poop. sorry if this grosses you out, but i have a point, trust me.  

so the youth minister thought it was a 7th grade boy playing a joke. i had to tell him it was my puppy. oh the shame! what's worse, someone stepped in it and it smelled and then 5 minutes later we had to begin worship. wow. what an intro! hi, i'm lindsey kane and that was my dog that pooped in your church.


so i confessed, and cleaned it up and continued on to lead worship but i realized something very important about this fiasco. gabby is a dog. she was doing exactly what dogs do. when they have to poop and pee and can't get outside fast enough, they go inside. they dont try to hide their "stuff". they have no choice but to be real with who they are. dogs will be dogs. talk about authenticity, gabby was being real. she didn't try to fool people into thinking her stuff didn't stink. 

so many times we go to church and we put on a mask and we present a false identity to people. we act like everything is ok, despite the pain and inner turmoil. we try and act like our stuff doesn't stink. but it does! we all sin, so let's just be real about it! life is hard, and we will always have struggles and issues this side of heaven. but Paul told us to BOAST in our weaknesses. so let's get real with our pain and our issues. let's be authentic at church and share our pain and struggles with our brothers and sisters in Christ. hope y'all can see the correlation between gabby's carpet adventures and being authentic as Christians, because i sure do!  

look at that face! how can you be mad at the lil' pooper? 

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

april fools day blunders

so there i was having lunch with a friend back in college on april fools day my freshman year. my goal was to somehow fool everyone i came in contact with that day, in some way. unfortunately i picked the wrong person to play an april fools joke on.

we started talking over lunch and she asked me about my parents. i told her my mom was martha stewart's assistant (not true) and that my dad was in prison (not true either). he's actually a very Godly attorney. for some reason i thought these would be obvious non-true statements and that somehow that would be a fun april fools comment. 

but right after i told her my dad was in prison, she places her hand on my arm in a lovingly empathetic way and says, almost through tears, "so is my dad. i totally know how you feel." the worst part was, she wasn't kidding. no april fools joke here. she was being completely serious and heart-felt and i felt like the biggest jerk in the entire free world. instead of jumping on the table and yelling "ha ha! april fools" i realized that wouldn't be the best approach to get out of this friend dog house.

so i humbly and repentantly say, "omigosh, i'm so sorry. i was joking." and thus, i started trying to dig myself out of a hole. it went horribly and needless to say that gal never wanted to eat lunch with me ever! 

so what have we learned here blog readers? even for april fools, be honest :) or it could get you in big trouble. 

i invite anyone who has a fun april fools day blunder to post it as a comment!